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What is Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a catholic curriculum centered on scripture, sacred tradition, sacraments, and liturgy. The classroom, called an atrium, is a prepared environment with hands on materials related to Catholic teaching. The children are given lessons as well as unstructured time to allow the Holy Spirit to direct their will in ways which foster prayer and contemplation. This method of instruction has worldwide catholic appeal. It has been used for over 65 years in 37 countries on 5 continents. Mother Theresa’s Missionary of Charity Sisters use this in their own formation and in their catechetical work with children.
There are several sessions to choose from. Toddlers will be offered on Sundays. Level 1 will be offered on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays. Level 2 will be offered on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Students attend one Atrium a week from September through April. Re-enrollment and new enrollment for parishioners of Sacred Heart begins in March and registration opens for new families outside the parish in April according to availability.
Toddler Curriculum: Being in an Atrium
For Children 18 mos - 36 mos
The Toddler Atrium is a prepared environment in which the youngest child's spiritual life is fed by prayer, work and celebration aided by the Catechist. The children will be introduced to the very basics of the Atrium such as The Good Shepherd.
Level I Curriculum Overview: The Good Shepherd
For Children 3, 4 and 5 in preschool/kindergarten
The 3-6 year old is particularly capable of enjoying the most essential elements of our faith-the announcement of God’s love especially experienced through Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who died and is risen. The heart of the atrium at this age group revolves round the Parable of the Good Shepherd who calls each one of us by name. The faith is handed on to the child through concrete works and materials centered on the important gestures of Mass, the names of the articles used on the altar, the historical life of Christ, and the parables taught by Christ on the Kingdom of God.
Level II Curriculum Overview- The True Vine
For Children 6,7 and 9 in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade
The 6-9 year old child is captured by the image of the True Vine. “I am the true vine, you are the branches, whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit.” The proclamation responds to the deep need of these children to better know his or her relationship with God, family, friends, and the larger community. Moral parables offer a model for comparing their behavior with that of the Pharisee, the Tax Collector, or the Good Samaritan and others. Level 2 children see the parts of the Mass as one unified prayer and prepare for the Celebration of First Communion through a series of communion meditations focusing on their relationship with Jesus.