An insert was included in the 8/27/23 bulletin which contained an infographic from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati explaining the Pastoral Planning Pathway Milestones for Phases 1-5 of the Beacons of Light. This insert is available here. More information about the Beacons of Light Pastoral Planning Pathway is available here.
Nominations for the family wide Pastoral Council are now open. Please see Fr. Jarred's letter for more details. Hard copies of the form are available in the gathering space at Sacred Heart.
A Totally Catholic Youth Summer Camp - Right here at Sacred Heart Students Entering 1st - 6th - Monday July 11 - Friday July 15, 2022 9:00am - 2:30pm Students Entering 7th - 12th Grade - Sunday, July 10th-Thursday,15th 7:00pm-9:00pm
Join us on Veteran's Day, Sunday, November 11th after the 10 am Mass for our Veteran's Memorial Dedication. Located in front if the Sacred Heart Cemetery.
Join us for Breakfast, Sunday, October 21st, anytime from 8:00am - 12 noon. Free will donations benefit the Sacred Heart Mission Commission. What a wonderful way to share God’s joy with other parishioners while supporting the parish mission efforts. We are all called to share our blessings with others less fortunate and to be a channel of God’s gifts. With your support and participation, we have been able to support several assistance programs including: New Choices in Sidney, Holy Angels Soup Kitchen, Catholic Relief Services and local homeless individuals – all of which desperately need our help and prayers as they go through difficult times. Thank you all in advance for your participation and prayers. Hope to see you at breakfast!
All are welcome and encouraged to help clean our church, including men, women, and youth! Parishioners can come anytime and leave when you need to between 8-11:30 a.m.. The Church has some supplies but if you are able, bring buckets, ladders, rags, paper towels, gloves, Murphy’s oil soap, Magic Erasers, Windex, Pine-sol, Clorox, mops, vacuums, and dusters. Pizza will be served after the cleaning. Thank you!
How can we serve you better? What programs would you like to have available at our parish? What would you like to know more about? Share your thoughts on how we can improve!
Parents if you wish to view the survey that was given to all Junior High and High School Students at CCD you can click the link above to view the survey.
Sunday, August 19 at 1 p.m. This is a 4 person scramble held at Shelby Oaks Golf Course with the cost of $40 for non members and $20 for club members. Skins Game: $10 per team, Day of Outing To sign up contact Jay Cain (937) 638-9467 or Jim Cain (217) 202-6642. You do not have to be a parishioner to play.
Join us for our annual Parish Picnic! Friday, August 10th and Saturday, August 11th. There will be food, drinks, entertainment, kids games, raffle, cake wheel, and so much more! Please click the link below, in the 'Forms and Events' section, for a full list of activities and times. There is also a link for the Wiffle Ball team sign up.
Our Parish will be celebrating the Feast of St. Philomena on Saturday, August 11th with 8:00 a.m. Holy Mass, Exposition, Rosary, Special Prayers, and Benediction. You will have the opportunity to be blessed and prayed over with a relic of St. Philomena by Father Steve Mondiek. A Novena to St. Philomena begins on August 2nd, please see the link below, in the 'Forms and Events' section.
Father Steve will be out of town Tuesday, June 12th through Saturday, June 16th. If you are in immediate need of a priest please contact a neighboring parish. There will still be daily 8am Masses and Exposition during the day on Thursday. There will NOT be Confessions or Benediction on Thursday, and there will NOT be Saturday morning Mass and Exposition. We apologize for any inconvenience and we ask for prayers as Father Steve is in Wisconsin with some of our youth for a mission trip.
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper - March 29th at 7pm Good Friday - March 30th - Walking Way of the Cross at 1pm, Passion of the Lord at 2pm, and Stations of the Cross at 7pm Saturday Easter Vigil in the Holy Night - March 31st at 8:30pm Easter Sunday Masses - April 1st at 8am and 10am
March 3-4, 2018 This is a women's retreat filled with spiritual renewal and fellowship with fellow parishioners. If interested in signing up contact the parish office at [email protected] or 937-394-3823
The Parish Office will be closed on Monday, December 25th and Tuesday, December 26th. We will resume normal hours on Wednesday, December 27th. Merry Christmas!